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meet your wedding videographer.

From 2016-2020 I filmed EVERYTHING I never said no to a shoot! I didn't care how much they were paying me... if anything! I shot countless weddings and I learned so much and had a ton of harsh lessons in business as you could imagine... (shooting for free does not pay for bills or camera gear...) But during this time I also met my soulmate while filming a Youtube video with my friends. So I guess it was worth it!

If you didn't know, my name is Ryan. I began making videos in 2012 just simply filming my friends and I riding BMX Bikes. During this time I put them all on YouTube not expecting much... I was just a kid with a camera having fun. The name "Needle Media" came from my last name "Needle" where it originally started as "RN Productions" but that obviously just did not flow as well. Anyways from 2012 to fast-forward in 2015 I found myself with over 130K subscribers on YouTube from these BMX videos- I traveled all around the east coast and vlogging about it. Shortly after this I developed a love for camera gear and filmmaking, but... BMX wasn't in line with this passion.... After spending most of the YouTube Paychecks on camera gear I lucked out on getting a Wedding gig in 2016 (Katie and Mike) and from there it took off. (Thank you for trusting me Katie and Mike)

From 2018 we have been together ever since, we adopted our furry son Dexter, the dumbest (yet oddly smart) dog you will ever meet. I think he secretly acts dumb to look cute because this dog always has a hidden agenda. Its either his way or the highway. I mean imagine having to drag a 60lb dog inside every night because he wants to sleep outside.... in the rain? Anyways fast-forward in 2023 my Fiancé and I got engaged, where I popped the question in Niagara Falls, (which is where we went on our first trip back in 2018 and I asked her to be my girlfriend) It was the best day of my life.

I am still a kid at heart, my background of BMX bikes and posting them on Youtube has made me realize the importance of memorable moments. When I go back on one of my old videos I don't care about the backflips or cool tricks, I watch the banter with my friends. The great times we had off the bikes. I believe this has ultimately sculpted the way I film weddings. Forget the cliche slo-mo wedding film. In 10 years you wont think about those shots of you guys slo-mo kissing, you wont go back and rewatch your wedding film for that moment. But you will go back and rewatch your Aunt breaking it down on the dance floor or your friend making a terrible joke. Those types of moments are what I focus on, and truly the moments that matter the most to me.

100K Youtube Subscriber Plaque
Ryan Needle doing BMX Trick
Dexter the Pomsky
Ryan Needle doing Videography for United Radio event

400+ Youtube Videos

150+ satisfied clients

2000+ cups of coffee

It all started in 2012

Outside of Weddings

Ryans mk6 Built GTI

I'm honestly your typical guy, I fish, build cars, go to the gym, go out on the weekends, and my hobbies are honestly never ending... Its bad...

My Fiancé and I do everything together, from new adventures to binge watching a TV show. She thankfully puts up with how spontaneous I am, and is the voice of reason for a lot of the extreme ideas I have. From wanting to bring home a new pup, to last second booking a shark fishing trip, she's there to reel me back. (Pun intended)

Walking on the Beach

Think we are a good fit?

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Ryan Needle Media                            (315) 313-9980                                              920 N. Salina St, Syracuse, NY

©2024 By Needle Media

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